AL-ARBAH: Journal of Islamic Finance and Banking is a peer-reviewed journal, published biannually by Department of Sharia Banking, Faculty of Islamics Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo Semarang Indonesia.
AL-ARBAH: Journal of Islamic Finance and Banking is peer-reviewed journal by English language published twice a year (October and April) and specializes in Islamic Finance, Islamic Banking, and Islamic Finance Institutions.
Artikel Terbaru:
- The Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility in Islamic Banking from the Perspective of Islamic Economics Market
- Dividend Discount Model Theory Implementation Based On Maqashid Shariah In Indonesia Shariah Stock Market
- Islamic Economic Concepts To Form Community Welfare From The Perspective Of Ibnu Khaldun's Thinking
- The Important Role of Customer Satisfaction in Sharia Bank in relation to Service Quality and Relational Marketing towards Customer Loyalty
- SKBDN Products: Implementation of Sharia Compliance in Bank Syariah Indonesia
- Shari’ah-compliant Financing Mechanisms for Belt and Road Initiative: Mitigating Debt Trap Risks
- Investigating the Impact of Accountability, Religiosity, and Waqf Literacy on Community Interest in Cash Waqf
- The Influence Of Macroeconomics And Financial Risks On Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility Diclosure Through Earnings At Sharia Commercial Banks In Indonesia
- Human Resources Development Program in Islamic Commercial Banks
- Comparative Study: Analysis of the Implementation of Sustainable Distribution of Funds for Sharia Banks and Conventional Banks in Indonesia