Journal of Islamic Economics, Management, and Business is a scientific journal in the field of Islamic economics studies published twice a year by the program of Magister of Syari’ah Economics, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business UIN Walisongo Semarang.
The editors receive articles in the form of research-based manuscript related to Islamic Economics, business, and management themes which cover Islamic Economics, Islamic Business, Islamic Financial Management, Islamic Marketing Management, Islamic Human Resource Management, Islamic Operational Management, and Islamic Philanthropy.
Artikel Terbaru:
- Islamic economic principles and the adoption of accounting information systems: perceptions of ease of use and usefulness in Indonesian MSMEs
- The influence of work-life balance, superior pressure, and cyberloafing on employee productivity: the moderating role of Islamic work ethic
- Integrating technological innovation with Islamic leadership in hospital design: the role of visionary architectural consultants
- The impact of regional original income and balance funds on local government financial performance: an Islamic perspective in Central Java, Indonesia
- Macroeconomic determinants of Indonesia’s economic growth: integrating industrial production index, inflation, and foreign direct investment within an Islamic welfare
- The influence of tax rates, profitability, assets, and foreign ownership on transfer pricing in Indonesia’s mining sector: ethical implications in Islamic economics
- Bridging the gap: evaluating Indonesia’s National income and societal welfare through an Islamic economic perspective
- Debt repayment practices among rural farmers: An Islamic economic perspective
- Reconstructing zakat within sharia philanthropy