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Sep 2020
Peran Green Trust dalam Memediasi Pengaruh Green Perceived Value dan Green Perceived Quality terhadap Green Purchase Behavior

Peran Green Trust dalam Memediasi Pengaruh Green Perceived Value dan Green Perceived Quality terhadap Green Purchase Behavior

Arif Afendi Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh green perceived value dan green perceived quality terhadap green trust, dan green perceived value, green perceived quality dan green trust terhadap green purchase behavior. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode pengolahan data berupa Structural Equation Model (SEM). Data dalam penelitian ini berupa data primer dengan 100...
May 2020
Hikmah Halal bi Halal di Masa Pandemi Covid 19

Hikmah Halal bi Halal di Masa Pandemi Covid 19

Setelah kita merampungkan puasa Ramadhon selama satu bulan, kini waktunya umat Islam merayakan kemenangan iedul fitri dengan suka cita dan gembira, dengan ucapan jaalanallohu minal aidin wal faizin. Kartu lebaran, ungkapan lebaran lewat WA, IG, twitter dnan media social lainnya menghiasi dunia maya, seakan dunia maya hanya milik umat Islam yang sedang merayakan iedul fitri. Hiruk pikuk lebaran ini selalu...
Oct 2019
Model of Prediction of Behavioral Use of Accrual Basis Accounting Information on Local Governments in Indonesia

Model of Prediction of Behavioral Use of Accrual Basis Accounting Information on Local Governments in Indonesia

This study investigates the behavior of internal users in using accrual accounting information for decision-making with the antecedents of attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavior control and intention use of accrual accounting information. The accrual accounting information describes the usefulness of the implementation of accrual basis accounting for government institution. The main research model is developed based on the Theory of...
Jan 2019
Ekonomi Kerakyatan Versus Ekonomi Liberal Dalam Pandangan Fiqh Muamalah

Ekonomi Kerakyatan Versus Ekonomi Liberal Dalam Pandangan Fiqh Muamalah

Singgih Muheramtohadi The Debate between neoliberalism thought and populist economic thought is concerned by public attention. The interesting thing on this dcebate is the both of them have the different paradigm and have a big influence in public decision making. This paper discuss what are these paradigms, how it was formaed in the history backgrounds, which the juridical foundations to...
Jan 2019
The Marketing Strategy of the Product with Sensual Marketing Reviewed from Islamic Perspective

The Marketing Strategy of the Product with Sensual Marketing Reviewed from Islamic Perspective

Fajar Adhitya Abstract There are many SPG who dress un-accordingly to the teachings of Islam when they are running product promoton actvites. This study uses qualitatve research method with a phenomenological approach. Subjectsin this study were women who worked as SPG, while the research object was in Semarang City. The results of this study indicates that the use of Sales Promoton...
Jan 2019
Wakaf sebagai Instrumen Ekonomi Pembangunan Islam

Wakaf sebagai Instrumen Ekonomi Pembangunan Islam

Wakaf sebagai Instrumen Ekonomi Pembangunan Islam Nasrul Fahmi Zaki Fuadi This study aimed to analyze the role of waqf as an economic instrument for Islamic development. This was motivated by unresolved poverty conditions. That poor people still experience difficulties in meeting their primary needs. On the other hand, endowments as Islamic economic instruments have excellent potential in developing the economy...
Jan 2019
Optimalisasi Portofolio Nilai Saham: Studi Komparasi Kinerja Saham Syariah dan Nonsyariah

Optimalisasi Portofolio Nilai Saham: Studi Komparasi Kinerja Saham Syariah dan Nonsyariah

Optimalisasi Portofolio Nilai Saham: Studi Komparasi Kinerja Saham Syariah dan Nonsyariah Ferry Khusnul Mubarok, Ahmad Ridho Darmawan, Zahirotul Luailiyah Abstract The objective of this research is to analyze the comparison of sharia and nonsharia stock performance. The sample is a company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, listing from 2013-2017. The sample consists of nonsharia stock (LQ45) and sharia stock...